
Friday, 9 August 2019

Show no tell

Show Not Tell

Tell sentence: It was a cold and rainy day.

Show sentence: I could feel little raindrops falling from the sky like a dashing bullet falling on my body and head. The wind blowing in my face, and the wind is very strong it blew my hoodie off my head I was shivering and it was very cloudy and along with the little on my head. 

Tell sentence: I went to the beach.

Show sentence: on a bright day and the sun is shining on my face It feels like my eyes are melting I went for a swim in the rocky shore, And I can see the water are flowing in front of me and it is nice and silent and there are coconut trees on my right. And I went for another swim and when i got under water I could see the amazing fish swimming around me.

Tell sentence: Carol bought new shoes because hers broke.

Show sentence: Carol bought me new shoes because her shoes are broken and it has mud all over it and there is a big rip on the bottom and it smells yuck. The laces were busted.