
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Oral Language

          Oral language Activity How well did I listen.   Today Mrs Tele'a read out instructions while we                   listen, Labelled and drew


  1. Malo E Lelei Osa, I like how you did your oral task with Mrs Tele'a. This tells me that you are really good at following and rolling with anything that happens differently. I like how you put shapes to describe what these different things are.

    Next time can you write what you did and what you enjoyed the most about your oral language activity?

    Kind Regards,

  2. Malo E Lelei Osa, I like how you did your oral task with Mrs Tele'a. This tells me that you are really good at following and rolling with anything that happens differently. I like how you put shapes to describe what these different things are.

    Next time can you write what you did and what you enjoyed the most about your oral language activity?
    from Caleb
